Womp. The database was corrupted and I had to use a backup from 2018 (in 2021). Sorry for any data loss. A server update also broke a bunch of the site (I've got it mostly working, but some things may still be busted). Another unrelated server update also busted the way my wii homebrew connected to the site (so none of them can go online anymore and they may never change). Have I mentioned that I've had problems with this cheap web host?
You can check out whatever new projects I have in the works over on twitter at @BoringDevKate.
Super Pixel Jumper
Genre: Arcade
Platform: Wii, GP2X
Description: Super Pixel Jumper is a fast paced score based platformer with constant forward motion. As long as you avoid contact with the brighter colored blocks your score will continue to increase as will the speed of the game. Your high score is automatically saved.

The game is a port and was originally made for GP2X as an entry in the 2010 Pandora Angst Coding Competition.
Stats: Super Pixel Jumper has been played 10304 times on 4726 different Wii consoles.
Sorcerywicked - 12266 points
MyDixieWrecked - 9679 points
ThePhantom - 9642 points
TheHero - 6640 points
Oskar - 6492 points
Crazy92 - 6037 points
BeReDeZeBe - 5000 points
xxxxx99999 - 4333 points
ThatOtherPerson - 4331 points
MaxxMurph - 3943 points
SmallKirbyz - 3798 points
LuigiESP - 3535 points
fruktflugan - 3525 points
Tangeek - 3288 points
Sevkornking - 3203 points
Sakura - 3143 points
th3b0ss - 2966 points
PunkyNerdGamers - 2702 points
DALEKLEDER - 2697 points
TheTrueMurph - 2650 points
iNinjaOS - 2626 points
Lightgod - 2564 points
jct400thz - 2528 points
JonnyPoots - 2526 points
CuteEwok - 2457 points
THEINVENTION - 2424 points
DreamWarrior - 2330 points
SpeedDeoxys0 - 2298 points
GeBeCluck23 - 2298 points
ApexRose - 2269 points
NepetaCatGod - 2260 points
the7th - 2243 points
PokemonFan2000 - 2198 points
Sez - 2198 points
AnimeRush272 - 2170 points
toadsage101 - 2168 points
anonycat - 2138 points
kirby - 2122 points
Aura Spark - 2114 points
AceZero7 - 2093 points
TylerD. - 2084 points
hradesty12 - 2040 points
crack - 2003 points
letmynutzgo - 1990 points
chidori602 - 1978 points
archedmaid - 1974 points
NDP500THz - 1952 points
Hotwheelz - 1944 points
epam - 1894 points
Mistress - 1876 points
CodyMKW - 1858 points
jon2nson - 1857 points
goodbye - 1831 points
tom29 - 1829 points
emc - 1813 points
Sage - 1782 points
DjManu - 1777 points
211Nickey - 1770 points
Pionner32MKWII - 1758 points
MasterOfAnime - 1749 points
TheXzoron - 1746 points
DrewThatGamer - 1678 points
landj - 1675 points
Targetx12 - 1652 points
MindScream - 1627 points
WiiSt4r - 1623 points
zeldafan - 1618 points
Hardcore4435 - 1582 points
Tbone - 1573 points
Artifice - 1505 points
CobaltDoom - 1501 points
neko1224 - 1500 points
bb010g - 1487 points
cosmicluma - 1487 points
abf - 1480 points
bronyboyce - 1480 points
JGamez - 1473 points
VixDix - 1432 points
knotz909 - 1427 points
SkyXGaming - 1420 points
SuchMonkey - 1413 points
KirbyTiger - 1403 points
luigitroller - 1400 points
BlackDrag0n1 - 1394 points
TalkingDildos - 1385 points
MeowDotEXE - 1358 points
MARIOMASTR - 1356 points
LDDestroier - 1354 points
dogerizer - 1332 points
Lightning - 1317 points
Mathilda - 1317 points
MarioKart9864 - 1315 points
Illusion - 1283 points
nariel - 1280 points
ToasterOven - 1264 points
mmoye9 - 1259 points
SuperLeboy - 1258 points
LordZaiden - 1241 points
466MinecraftFan - 1226 points
piepokemon - 1225 points
TheHomebrefan45 - 1219 points
Ballista - 1201 points
Psych0Smil3s - 1193 points
Sasukecurse231 - 1179 points
Wiiaremany - 1120 points
MrSonicOSG - 1119 points
EldidiStroyrr - 1119 points
Jwiz - 1107 points
PixelKakashi - 1077 points
jdpunisher - 1060 points
TheGatorade - 1046 points
asdfshowcarmeli - 1020 points
DatCrazyCat - 1019 points
Koveryl - 1016 points
nickapotamus - 1013 points
lrb2008 - 1004 points
XxGameFreakxX - 1004 points
ThaDoqtorKirby - 1003 points
MarioVR4500 - 989 points
Fearlessfeedle - 978 points
Gamerpr04life - 961 points
Frostile - 959 points
DerpDerpMan234 - 957 points
superguy999 - 956 points
LOLMan707 - 943 points
Dougie - 936 points
keeblerjesus - 928 points
project84 - 912 points
mjmalec - 902 points
kingandyroo - 887 points
JCstyles - 880 points
Jamesguessis - 849 points
ImPierrz - 826 points
BlueSpartan076 - 818 points
deleted - 802 points
naviandlink - 794 points
Kintoru - 787 points
shadybristol - 779 points
Nevy - 773 points
prosuWANTED - 771 points
Tigercraft1107 - 768 points
Soup - 766 points
joelc608 - 750 points
Myamoto2000 - 747 points
Shawnman1 - 726 points
IPSniffer - 646 points
ToadAwesome12 - 643 points
ZeroJumper - 634 points
dd1243 - 634 points
theslatzgamer - 629 points
A3X190 - 627 points
Cody9938 - 608 points
EpicMario50 - 598 points
mastershoes - 597 points
superdude666 - 585 points
RHG - 579 points
DJKyri - 574 points
asytiop - 570 points
beymaster0321 - 569 points
dragonninja11 - 568 points
Adriandj - 555 points
Abimaelvaldez - 546 points
loligeskind - 487 points
BizmoLeGodzXxX - 474 points
DShifter - 472 points
LordOfWaffles - 463 points
BokuNES - 457 points
Johnyyy - 439 points
realKekS - 425 points
KeelanCraftPRO - 395 points
Razzer - 369 points
arthrik - 344 points
Edward17904 - 314 points
ShingaiTheKirby - 301 points
elwood99 - 271 points
Ashton - 240 points
fraxiq - 216 points
Darklink63 - 144 points
wb3 - 137 points
G4MER - 135 points
LDUDE64 - 125 points
TreyandAsh - 113 points
yoshiller5000 - 109 points
mrenomega1 - 109 points
robinmgp - 109 points
Spider21b - 94 points
TheDetonator - 88 points
champion - 87 points
Rei - 81 points
ZOWEE - 59 points
Comments (only the 15 most recent)
Comment posted by ApexRose at 2013-07-06 13:46:48 (12 years ago)
I love this game
Comment posted by GreezyJR at 2013-07-14 08:44:40 (12 years ago)
Comment posted by toadsage101 at 2013-07-17 10:35:33 (12 years ago)
awsome game i hope i can beat thehero
Comment posted by toadsage101 at 2013-07-17 12:36:08 (12 years ago)
ok didnt even get close to hero yet but still. really fun game
Comment posted by iNinjaOS at 2013-07-31 15:17:08 (12 years ago)
Keep getting a constant beep...
Comment posted by Oskar at 2013-08-14 04:17:57 (12 years ago)
Yeah... as if! =) I'll stick to my other usual stuff instead.

Yeah, I would get those sometimes too and it eventually freezes. :/
Comment posted by ThePhantom at 2013-08-31 14:35:22 (12 years ago)
New high score. YYYEEEAAAHHH!!!!! WALUIGI TIME!!!
Comment posted by xxxxx99999 at 2013-11-10 02:06:06 (12 years ago)
Comment posted by LuigiESP at 2013-11-14 14:36:30 (12 years ago)
no soy muy bueno aqui
Comment posted by hradesty12 at 2013-11-29 18:22:00 (11 years ago)
it keeps spawning me in random places0.0
Comment posted by DALEKLEDER at 2014-02-10 14:45:27 (11 years ago)
There should be some kind of a reward for getting in the top 3...
Comment posted by Oskar at 2014-06-25 15:31:53 (11 years ago)
Okay, the repeating music loop eventually gets boring and annoying... =_=
Comment posted by 466MinecraftFan at 2014-07-16 10:55:42 (11 years ago)
Comment posted by mjmalec at 2014-08-20 17:14:37 (11 years ago)
Too hard.
Comment posted by iNinjaOS at 2015-11-12 19:17:12 (10 years ago)
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