Womp. The database was corrupted and I had to use a backup from 2018 (in 2021). Sorry for any data loss. A server update also broke a bunch of the site (I've got it mostly working, but some things may still be busted). Another unrelated server update also busted the way my wii homebrew connected to the site (so none of them can go online anymore and they may never change). Have I mentioned that I've had problems with this cheap web host?
You can check out whatever new projects I have in the works over on twitter at @BoringDevKate.
1bit Invaders
Genre: Shooter
Platform: Wii, Windows
Description: 1bit Invaders is a 2d free roaming space shooter with a fully destructible environment and retro monochrome graphics. To stay alive and gain points just shoot the circles before they reach your ship. You can play with the Wiimote and nunchuck or a classic controller.
Stats: 1bit Invaders has been played 3541 times on 2182 different Wii consoles.
Sorcerywicked - 62520 points
MyDixieWrecked - 46170 points
Crazy92 - 45990 points
TheHero - 34830 points
dESTRUXx - 32290 points
neko1224 - 30040 points
Einstein - 28460 points
WolfPack - 25900 points
SpeedDeoxys0 - 20760 points
xxxxx99999 - 19160 points
Sage - 15660 points
TokingPokeBan - 15110 points
ZARIOISALOSER - 11900 points
LuigiESP - 11250 points
Darksword - 11090 points
Kintoru - 11080 points
AceZero7 - 10790 points
Tangeek - 10410 points
the7th - 10240 points
Mz_MI6 - 10180 points
megaCOOL1 - 9260 points
TheTrueMurph - 9100 points
GeBeCluck23 - 9080 points
WhoFarted947 - 8990 points
JonnyPoots - 8820 points
ApexRose - 8260 points
VixDix - 6450 points
jct400thz - 6090 points
TheXzoron - 5700 points
crack - 5650 points
MarioVR4500 - 4800 points
jon2nson - 4780 points
tggtggt - 4560 points
anonycat - 4460 points
ThatOtherPerson - 4460 points
KoiKazma - 4120 points
landj - 3340 points
NepetaCatGod - 2990 points
EpicMario50 - 2920 points
Illusion - 2780 points
th3b0ss - 2700 points
Shinobu - 2650 points
ak47rocks1337 - 2640 points
bb010g - 2630 points
LDDestroier - 2610 points
kingandyroo - 2440 points
Sasukecurse231 - 2320 points
Stefilutz - 2230 points
epam - 2210 points
prosuWANTED - 2020 points
DreamWarrior - 2010 points
PunkyNerdGamers - 1940 points
CodyMKW - 1920 points
falcatox - 1920 points
Gamerpr04life - 1800 points
goodbye - 1790 points
elwood99 - 1690 points
CrazybrownGuy - 1510 points
Minekid55 - 1500 points
FUCKYOUZARIO - 1410 points
PokemonFan2000 - 1330 points
fraxiq - 1310 points
KeelanCraftPRO - 1100 points
Mathilda - 1040 points
TheDetonator - 1010 points
tactics360 - 960 points
savanny - 960 points
ERIKIMPERIAL - 770 points
JCstyles - 750 points
Razzer - 720 points
InklingOnFire - 670 points
champion - 620 points
CAKEadmin - 570 points
superpooplooser - 530 points
Ashton - 500 points
JeffMa - 470 points
Sakura - 460 points
arthrik - 460 points
superguy999 - 450 points
nintendo761 - 440 points
BlueSpartan076 - 420 points
MaxxMurph - 420 points
Jekyll - 360 points
ToadAwesome12 - 350 points
ThaDoqtorKirby - 270 points
HeebieJeebies - 260 points
repi10 - 250 points
daxterkid - 210 points
jonniv - 210 points
guiarzan - 100 points
jac411 - 80 points
mastershoes - 30 points
Sez - 0 points
mat1 - 0 points
robinmgp - 0 points
ZOWEE - 0 points
SmallKirbyz - 0 points
nandj2000 - 0 points
Comment posted by GeBeCluck23 at 2013-01-12 01:03:30 (12 years ago)
How do you activate the scoreboard on the Wii?
Comment posted by ThatOtherPerson at 2013-01-12 08:06:49 (12 years ago)
Press the home button, select network (the on screen button for it is in the bottom right corner of the screen), then select leaderboards and then 1bit Invaders (or whatever scoreboard it is that you want to see).
Comment posted by tactics360 at 2013-08-20 20:50:44 (12 years ago)
Comment posted by dd1243 at 2013-08-26 11:37:27 (12 years ago)
Comment posted by BizmoLeGodzXxX at 2013-12-20 20:07:07 (11 years ago)
is this a good game
Comment posted by WolfPack at 2014-06-09 03:57:56 (11 years ago)
5th place still lol i need to get my game on
Comment posted by AkaLink77 at 2015-07-13 18:24:43 (10 years ago)
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