Womp. The database was corrupted and I had to use a backup from 2018 (in 2021). Sorry for any data loss. A server update also broke a bunch of the site (I've got it mostly working, but some things may still be busted). Another unrelated server update also busted the way my wii homebrew connected to the site (so none of them can go online anymore and they may never change). Have I mentioned that I've had problems with this cheap web host?
You can check out whatever new projects I have in the works over on twitter at @BoringDevKate.
Hero City 2
Genre: Other
Platform: Wii
Description: Hero City 2 is an open world 3d game about a superhero and a sequel to the original Hero City. It features improved graphics, an unlimited draw distance, more enemy types, improved combat, structured gameplay with actual objectives and tons more. There is even a bonus mode with a first person view.

It was and entry in the Nintendomax 2012 Wii Dev competition.
Stats: Hero City 2 has been played 32914 times on 16957 different Wii consoles.
Sorcerywicked - 275950 points
MyDixieWrecked - 95250 points
Crazy92 - 81800 points
fruktflugan - 65200 points
KillU - 35050 points
TheHero - 30850 points
SpeedDeoxys0 - 30450 points
anonycat - 27500 points
CuteEwok - 27250 points
xxxxx99999 - 26750 points
AceZero7 - 18350 points
Sevkornking - 17500 points
banjo2 - 16300 points
ak47rocks1337 - 16100 points
abf - 15950 points
Sage - 13300 points
kaloncpu57 - 12600 points
dESTRUXx - 12500 points
MrFanciful - 9700 points
WhoFarted947 - 8800 points
Mz_MI6 - 7950 points
neko1224 - 6450 points
VixDix - 5750 points
LuigiESP - 5300 points
landj - 5300 points
champion - 5250 points
bb010g - 5100 points
ThatOtherPerson - 4900 points
WolfPack - 4550 points
TokingPokeBan - 4050 points
MarioVR4500 - 3800 points
prosuWANTED - 3500 points
NDP500THz - 3450 points
TreyandAsh - 3350 points
Loganrocks - 3350 points
AnimeRush272 - 3350 points
ApexRose - 3000 points
TheDetonator - 2950 points
Sean - 2550 points
ImPierrz - 2350 points
sheepmanbuddy - 2250 points
Gamerpr04life - 2200 points
Artifice - 2200 points
mastershoes - 2050 points
BeReDeZeBe - 1950 points
onit - 1900 points
Sasukecurse231 - 1700 points
kingandyroo - 1700 points
crack - 1600 points
jct400thz - 1550 points
Stefilutz - 1500 points
chidori602 - 1450 points
riceeater - 1450 points
SirEcto - 1450 points
ItsaMeMario - 1400 points
pewdiepie - 1350 points
BizmoLeGodzXxX - 1300 points
goodbye - 1300 points
Theelboy8499 - 1250 points
freddymaerz - 1200 points
Miguelito - 1150 points
7upman - 1050 points
Trofsky - 1050 points
Aura Spark - 1000 points
Hardcore4435 - 1000 points
Fatality - 950 points
WildRiolu - 850 points
illegaltrees - 800 points
epam - 800 points
KeelanCraftPRO - 800 points
PsyWeegee - 800 points
stayrandom - 700 points
CodyMKW - 650 points
DR3 - 600 points
zell901 - 600 points
iNinjaOS - 600 points
tactics360 - 600 points
archedmaid - 600 points
luigitroller - 600 points
Kintoru - 550 points
Darklink668 - 550 points
Gabriel1 - 500 points
RoxasUnbound98 - 500 points
PunkyNerdGamers - 500 points
Schultechrstn - 500 points
jmercado880 - 450 points
ERIKIMPERIAL - 450 points
JCstyles - 400 points
Ben27 - 400 points
Minekid55 - 400 points
MrSonicOSG - 400 points
xz32 - 350 points
Lightgod - 350 points
Jwiz - 350 points
Koveryl - 300 points
Muziki - 300 points
SamTheBrony - 300 points
KEVW - 300 points
Ballista - 300 points
lekiim - 250 points
pointlessdavid - 200 points
8bit69 - 200 points
superguy999 - 200 points
asytiop - 200 points
ZeroJumper - 200 points
Janjtv - 200 points
drywater - 200 points
xXBLAZINGM0NKXx - 200 points
XxGameFreakxX - 200 points
superpooplooser - 200 points
WiiTodd - 200 points
Barrett - 200 points
Mistress - 200 points
falcatox - 200 points
HeroOfTheWinds - 150 points
Tigercraft1107 - 150 points
Wolf - 100 points
owen - 100 points
Maxi - 100 points
Herchu - 100 points
rykiop - 100 points
lrb2008 - 100 points
iggyvolz - 100 points
DajuanLacey - 100 points
elwood99 - 100 points
Shutdown - 100 points
Sez - 100 points
Noah - 100 points
456hubf - 0 points
arthrik - 0 points
jjy123 - 0 points
taylort355 - 0 points
TheXzoron - 0 points
Tim - 0 points
WiiHBCHACKER - 0 points
IPSniffer - 0 points
TheUnknown - 0 points
beymaster0321 - 0 points
luis314 - 0 points
NAUSHNIK52 - 0 points
robieyratt - 0 points
naviandlink - 0 points
shadybristol - 0 points
gpawlaleric - 0 points
EpicMario50 - 0 points
RJ17 - 0 points
Koeli300 - 0 points
Val65534vr - 0 points
CAKEadmin - 0 points
Comments (only the 15 most recent)
Comment posted by SamTheBrony at 2013-11-05 15:37:02 (11 years ago)
nope u lost the game
Comment posted by Janjtv at 2013-11-10 06:25:56 (11 years ago)
beat it
Comment posted by BizmoLeGodzXxX at 2013-11-14 23:19:41 (11 years ago)
Comment posted by BizmoLeGodzXxX at 2013-11-14 23:22:23 (11 years ago)
fuck u all ...hahahaa
Comment posted by epam at 2013-11-27 15:09:02 (11 years ago)
cool and scary game at the same time!!!!!!
Comment posted by BizmoLeGodzXxX at 2013-12-20 19:50:31 (11 years ago)
Comment posted by BizmoLeGodzXxX at 2013-12-20 19:50:53 (11 years ago)
Comment posted by HeroOfTheWinds at 2014-07-12 23:16:43 (11 years ago)
It's a fine game.
Comment posted by nopy4869 at 2014-10-09 22:25:30 (10 years ago)
hella holla
Comment posted by Ngamer235 at 2015-08-13 17:21:09 (10 years ago)
it gets harder when theres only a little bit of enemys and collectables left. bu
Comment posted by Ngamer235 at 2015-08-13 17:21:35 (10 years ago)
but i beat it
Comment posted by Razzer at 2016-08-29 03:13:02 (9 years ago)
Easy and fun
Comment posted by Crazy92 at 2017-01-20 15:31:11 (8 years ago)
177050......I SMELLS A CHEATER!!!
Comment posted by Crazy92 at 2017-01-20 21:45:49 (8 years ago)
Comment posted by Sorcerywicked at 2017-04-10 15:08:15 (8 years ago)
@ Crazy92 Wow loser It must suck to be You!
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