Womp. The database was corrupted and I had to use a backup from 2018 (in 2021). Sorry for any data loss. A server update also broke a bunch of the site (I've got it mostly working, but some things may still be busted). Another unrelated server update also busted the way my wii homebrew connected to the site (so none of them can go online anymore and they may never change). Have I mentioned that I've had problems with this cheap web host?
You can check out whatever new projects I have in the works over on twitter at @BoringDevKate.
Genre: Shooter
Platform: Wii, DS, PS3, Windows
Description: Cherophobe is an FPS in which you must defend yourself against the unending assault of smiley faces. For every Smiley face that you defeat you will be rewarded with ten points (the high score is automatically saved when you die). Your health drains away when a smiley face is too close to you and when you run out of health the game restarts. Scattered around the environment are health packs which will raise your health. There are also boxes containing addition ammo. Like the smiley faces the health packs and ammunition will infinity re spawn but always in random places that are out of view so you will need to continue wandering around the map to find them.
Stats: Cherophobe has been played 2889 times on 1473 different Wii consoles.
Sorcerywicked - 155620 points
MyDixieWrecked - 18420 points
LuigiESP - 14990 points
JonnyPoots - 12580 points
Crazy92 - 6470 points
abf - 4180 points
crack - 3450 points
superguy999 - 2370 points
th3b0ss - 2070 points
IPSniffer - 1660 points
banjo2 - 1600 points
AceZero7 - 1400 points
ratoatomico - 1390 points
anonycat - 1390 points
WolfPack - 1340 points
WhoFarted947 - 1320 points
Artifice - 1250 points
JCstyles - 1180 points
theanon - 1180 points
neko1224 - 1130 points
ApexRose - 1120 points
Aura Spark - 1100 points
iNinjaOS - 1090 points
SpeedDeoxys0 - 1050 points
Trenton - 900 points
MrFanciful - 840 points
TheXzoron - 810 points
Hotwheelz - 800 points
MarioVR4500 - 800 points
CMANsurvives - 690 points
NDP500THz - 670 points
SmallKirbyz - 620 points
jct400thz - 490 points
ThatOtherPerson - 380 points
Ngamer235 - 360 points
Wiiaremany - 330 points
Stefilutz - 300 points
PyroElectro - 300 points
NepetaCatGod - 290 points
chidori602 - 280 points
ak47rocks1337 - 270 points
TheDetonator - 250 points
Kintoru - 250 points
Tigercraft1107 - 250 points
naviandlink - 230 points
Gamerpr04life - 220 points
DALEKLEDER - 190 points
CodyMKW - 190 points
Wakko - 180 points
mmoye9 - 170 points
jon2nson - 140 points
Loganrocks - 140 points
ShingaiTheKirby - 140 points
goodbye - 120 points
KillU - 100 points
CobaltDoom - 90 points
TreyandAsh - 80 points
456hubf - 80 points
epam - 60 points
SamTheBrony - 60 points
ToadAwesome12 - 60 points
GeBeCluck23 - 50 points
Tyrone2801 - 40 points
loligeskind - 40 points
Orpheus128 - 40 points
WiiTodd - 40 points
Sakura - 40 points
Tangeek - 40 points
Psych0Smil3s - 40 points
DreamWarrior - 40 points
lrb2008 - 40 points
UltraSmoke - 40 points
archedmaid - 40 points
LDDestroier - 40 points
elwood99 - 40 points
robinmgp - 40 points
Betrrr - 30 points
shadybristol - 30 points
Ben27 - 30 points
Ashton - 30 points
stayrandom - 30 points
arthrik - 30 points
Darksword - 30 points
Mathilda - 20 points
JeffMa - 20 points
Pandalynn - 20 points
Wii4EverAfter - 20 points
biglevi - 20 points
JGamez - 20 points
aday - 20 points
yenice - 10 points
the7th - 10 points
asdfshowcarmeli - 10 points
nintendo761 - 0 points
Comment posted by Gamerpr04life at 2013-03-02 23:23:06 (12 years ago)
Comment posted anonymously at at 2013-03-03 00:39:24 (12 years ago)
Comment posted by yoshiller5000 at 2013-07-06 01:37:04 (12 years ago)
ur stupid
Comment posted by iNinjaOS at 2013-07-26 19:58:13 (12 years ago)
My score was 1460, and my Wi-Fi glitched, so it didn't save!
Comment posted by HeroOfTheWinds at 2013-08-08 11:14:46 (12 years ago)
Comment posted by LuigiESP at 2013-11-14 14:28:49 (11 years ago)
joer esta guapo el juego
Comment posted by LuigiESP at 2013-12-21 13:40:08 (11 years ago)
30 minutes playing to score 7730
Comment posted by AceZero7 at 2014-11-04 02:50:32 (10 years ago)
Geez my wiimote doesn't work that well with the sensor bar but I'm 8th of so many ppl
Comment posted by banjo2 at 2016-08-23 14:42:21 (9 years ago)
I have cherophobia now lol.
Comment posted by Crazy92 at 2016-12-18 22:26:46 (8 years ago)
Why can't we score 20 points instead of just 10!? I can get at least 12000 points quicker!! I'm just saying so I can get good scores!!
Comment posted by Crazy92 at 2016-12-18 22:28:56 (8 years ago)
Let's see those updates coming in shall we!?
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