Womp. The database was corrupted and I had to use a backup from 2018 (in 2021). Sorry for any data loss. A server update also broke a bunch of the site (I've got it mostly working, but some things may still be busted). Another unrelated server update also busted the way my wii homebrew connected to the site (so none of them can go online anymore and they may never change). Have I mentioned that I've had problems with this cheap web host?
You can check out whatever new projects I have in the works over on twitter at @BoringDevKate.
Cylinder Dodge
Genre: Arcade
Platform: Wii, PS3, Windows
Description: Cylinder Dodge is a very simple game with motion controls. You hold the wiimote sideways (like an NES controller or steering wheel) and tilt it to move left or right. The objective of the game is to try and avoid the cylinders as you constantly move forward. Its game over when you collide with one of them.
Stats: Cylinder Dodge has been played 2880 times on 1120 different Wii consoles.
TheHero - 12506 points
Sorcerywicked - 9232 points
JonnyPoots - 5981 points
NDP500THz - 4537 points
xxxxx99999 - 4409 points
MyDixieWrecked - 4099 points
Crazy92 - 4092 points
anonycat - 4042 points
neko1224 - 3919 points
LuigiESP - 3593 points
th3b0ss - 2881 points
jct400thz - 2824 points
LordOfWaffles - 2717 points
archedmaid - 2541 points
epam - 2454 points
Lightning - 2009 points
SpeedDeoxys0 - 1873 points
RedSnow - 1831 points
ApexRose - 1795 points
EldidiStroyrr - 1778 points
Mathilda - 1148 points
AceZero7 - 1134 points
LDDestroier - 1133 points
ThatOtherPerson - 1108 points
Artifice - 976 points
VixDix - 819 points
Ashton - 686 points
iNinjaOS - 610 points
CobaltDoom - 604 points
JGamez - 595 points
Targetx12 - 536 points
crack - 534 points
TreyandAsh - 513 points
knotz909 - 482 points
Aspiresnooperr - 478 points
realKekS - 467 points
fruktflugan - 464 points
harrychild1 - 437 points
JCstyles - 436 points
Ngamer235 - 413 points
GeBeCluck23 - 382 points
DrewThatGamer - 368 points
Tigercraft1107 - 361 points
Psych0Smil3s - 350 points
jon2nson - 333 points
lunkyblam - 324 points
TheXzoron - 303 points
naviandlink - 291 points
TheDetonator - 286 points
Dougie - 258 points
yoshiller5000 - 257 points
kingandyroo - 254 points
ThaDoqtorKirby - 238 points
mmoye9 - 210 points
GWiiEightyThree - 206 points
letmynutzgo - 189 points
nariel - 176 points
shadybristol - 175 points
Betrrr - 172 points
TokingPokeBan - 151 points
Darklink668 - 146 points
Ben27 - 145 points
tom29 - 143 points
ToadAwesome12 - 142 points
PixelKakashi - 139 points
dd1243 - 129 points
goodbye - 109 points
superguy999 - 104 points
Janjtv - 103 points
chidori602 - 87 points
aaronfortner - 84 points
Sevkornking - 82 points
cschmittiey - 80 points
champion - 60 points
arthrik - 41 points
ZOWEE - 22 points
Comment posted by JonnyPoots at 2013-02-22 17:57:35 (12 years ago)
GRAAAARRRRRR 3131... and my wiimotes batteries die.
Comment posted by Gamerpr04life at 2013-02-22 20:12:48 (12 years ago)
Comment posted by HeroOfTheWinds at 2013-08-13 20:34:17 (11 years ago)
Comment posted by harrychild1 at 2013-09-25 19:15:56 (11 years ago)
I got 2064 and it isint on the leaderboards
Comment posted by kirby at 2013-10-03 12:29:10 (11 years ago)
Comment posted by LuigiESP at 2013-11-14 14:31:11 (11 years ago)
yo soy octavo
Comment posted by LuigiESP at 2013-12-24 12:17:59 (11 years ago)
Comment posted by LordOfWaffles at 2014-01-04 02:04:52 (11 years ago)
I got 1039 and its not there....
Comment posted by epam at 2014-02-18 12:59:38 (11 years ago)
hard but :::
Comment posted by epam at 2014-02-18 12:59:48 (11 years ago)
Comment posted by jct400thz at 2014-08-31 16:52:01 (10 years ago)
perhaps you don't have a Wii Friend Code number for your user, or you entered it incorrectly. i used dashes.
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