Womp. The database was corrupted and I had to use a backup from 2018 (in 2021). Sorry for any data loss. A server update also broke a bunch of the site (I've got it mostly working, but some things may still be busted). Another unrelated server update also busted the way my wii homebrew connected to the site (so none of them can go online anymore and they may never change). Have I mentioned that I've had problems with this cheap web host?
You can check out whatever new projects I have in the works over on twitter at @BoringDevKate.
Hypno Blast
Genre: Shooter
Platform: Wii, Windows
Description: Hypno Blast is a pseudo 3d psychedelic on rails shooter.
Stats: Hypno Blast has been played 2076 times on 1398 different Wii consoles.
Sorcerywicked - 109785 points
MyDixieWrecked - 18995 points
anonycat - 16745 points
LuigiESP - 15145 points
Crazy92 - 11985 points
WolfPack - 11030 points
xxxxx99999 - 4935 points
TheDetonator - 4000 points
th3b0ss - 2345 points
WhoFarted947 - 2005 points
games906 - 2000 points
crack - 1480 points
ApexRose - 1170 points
BeReDeZeBe - 1075 points
NDP500THz - 935 points
Darksword - 860 points
ThatOtherPerson - 755 points
neko1224 - 595 points
SpeedDeoxys0 - 585 points
GeBeCluck23 - 460 points
MrFanciful - 445 points
Kintoru - 435 points
Ryanduc - 430 points
TheXzoron - 400 points
TokingPokeBan - 360 points
stayrandom - 315 points
knotz909 - 310 points
Tigercraft1107 - 275 points
the7th - 250 points
Tangeek - 240 points
Mathilda - 235 points
TreyandAsh - 190 points
jct400thz - 170 points
JonnyPoots - 165 points
Theelboy8499 - 160 points
CodyMKW - 135 points
realKekS - 125 points
goodbye - 125 points
Trenton - 110 points
ZARIOISALOSER - 110 points
WolfJayzus - 105 points
VixDix - 100 points
Rexlaw - 95 points
AceZero7 - 90 points
SamTheBrony - 85 points
mmoye9 - 85 points
Gabriel1 - 85 points
vocaloidfan - 80 points
nexik3 - 75 points
NepetaCatGod - 75 points
shadybristol - 70 points
lyzysyvs - 70 points
tactics360 - 70 points
IPSniffer - 70 points
Gamerpr04life - 65 points
Psych0Smil3s - 65 points
CrazybrownGuy - 60 points
Ben27 - 50 points
SmallKirbyz - 50 points
nickapotamus - 45 points
Pandalynn - 45 points
BlueSpartan076 - 45 points
cschmittiey - 45 points
toadsage101 - 40 points
elwood99 - 35 points
Sevkornking - 35 points
epam - 35 points
JCstyles - 35 points
Abimaelvaldez - 30 points
PunkyNerdGamers - 30 points
Kenyz23 - 30 points
dman1120 - 30 points
arthrik - 15 points
Comment posted by Nukker at 2013-09-08 09:05:05 (12 years ago)
Comment posted by mjmalec at 2014-08-20 17:13:36 (11 years ago)
Can they put how to play.
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